Josh surprises us every week but this week he did an amazing job. He started out by not cooperating. Abbey and I have learned that when Josh refuses to do something it’s because he’s planning for something else. What would it be this time?
He showed interest in working both arms together always trying to move both arms at the same time and meet hands at midline. Interest but not enough. We knew he had something else planned. We found out when we put him on the ball.
He was starting his movements before we even had him positioned. He was on fire.
He likes facing this direction because he can see himself in the big wall mirror. Abbey no more than got him positioned when Josh did this:
You can see by the look on his face that Josh came ready to work. His upper body was firm and he was staying mid-line. I have never seen him work like he did this week.
Josh had his warrior shirt on, a T-shirt with his Mystic Rider painting and he had his warrior face on. He was working and working hard.
To watch a video clip of his ball work you can go to youtube:
Josh went from the ball work back to the floor for more hand and leg work. Then to his wheelchair where he practiced leg kicks and arm wrestling.
You can see how fierce Josh was during this workout. He wore his warrior shirt and I think he showed his warrior spirit. what a great day we had.