Thanks to the talented photography of Rebecca Rowe, Red Jasper Artistry, we have some wonderful images of Joshua.
I love this photo because it shows Josh’s humor. He has the most beautiful smile. When I see this picture it makes me smile, too.
I like this photo because Josh looks directly at you and it shows the intensity of his eyes. Josh is non-verbal but he talks with his eyes. I love this photo so I’m sharing it.
I have a rule on facebook. If it makes me laugh, I share. This photo of Josh and Macy always brings a smile to my face.
Becki captured that special connection between me and Josh. I so love this photo. People are always asking me how he communicates with me and I tell them, I can’t describe it, but this photo sort of shows it. We connect. That’s as good a way to explain it as I can manage.
Enjoy the wonderful artwork from the camera of Rebecca Rowe. I’ll share more pictures as they come to me.
This journey that Josh and I travel through life is wonderful, interesting, entertaining, and an experience I would not have missed for the world.