Josh got to paint this week. Not as often as he’d like. I’m struggling to get a working schedule for both of us that we can maintain.
This week, he worked on his flower painting, his hot pink base coat painting, and the Indian on horse.
On the flowers he’s got them all blocked in. He’s started to fill in the background, and is adding details to the flowers and leaves. Each session with this one leaves it looking more finished. He’s on the home stretch.
On the hot pink painting, Josh continues to block in areas and decide what he’s going to put in the picture. We looked at a lot of nature elements. This painting will be full of water, rocks, foliage, and flowers. The woman will remain the focal point. Josh is starting to get a feel for this picture. I’m watching this one with great interest.
On the Indian on Horse, Josh has been looking at this one for a long time. He lost control on it and it sat, waiting for a decision. Does it get gessoed over and start from scratch? Or can Josh save the painting. He’s decided to try and save it before starting over.
This is step one on saving the picture. I’m very interested in seeing where this one goes.
2 Responses to June 15, 2012