OURHOME STUDIO is comprised of two artists; a mother-son team.



Joshua was born on April 3rd, 1980. Birth trauma left him with cerebral palsy, a disability that affects every aspect of his life. You can read about his life from birth to artist in the Walk With Me blog.

OurHome Studio came into existence to meet Joshua’s artistic needs. As he developed his painting style his list of people waiting for a Joshua Englehaupt original grew. Joshua could not paint fast enough to meet the demand. So his mother, Carol, had to figure out ways to help Joshua out.

She discovered that Joshua loves meeting people, going to shows, and sharing his artwork and OurHome Studio came into existence. Prints, cards, bookmarks, and posters helped fill the gap between people wanting Joshua’s artwork and meeting the demand.

Joshua continues to grow as an artist. He is not an independent artist…yet. Joshua works hard to gain strength, to improve control, and he and his mother keep an eye on technology that will help Joshua.



Carol profCarol is the other half of OURHOME STUDIO. She has occasional pieces of artwork but her main interest lies in writing. She is a published author who writes using the name she was born with. C.L. Roth. You can find her books on Amazon and Createspace.

She devotes mornings to her craft and afternoons helping Joshua achieve his. They lead active, productive lives and sees no reason to slow down. There are exciting things happening at OurHome Studio.

About JoshE

Joshua Englehaupt was born on April 3, 1980. Birth trauma left him with Cerebral Palsy. He is non-verbal and non-ambulatory but he is filled with a wonderful spirit. He has a passion for art. Join him in his journey of discovery.
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